Photo Matting Made Easy With Hot Melt Glue

matting photo photos

Matting precious photographs is detailed work that you want to get right on the first try. One glue bubble or one mis-stick and your pictures are ruined forever. These mistakes can by avoided by following these simple steps.

You'll Need:

Line your photo up to its matting so that the mount covers only a quarter inch of the picture on all sides. Make sure it's straight, then tape the photo gently to the matting on three sides to temporarily secure it and hold it steady as you glue.

Heat your Ultra Low Temp. Cool Shot Mini Glue Gun for 4-5 minutes. The low temperature allows for quick heating time and delicate maneuverability. Place the Low Stringing Cool Shot General Purpose Mini Glue Sticks into the back of the gun and push it gently forward. Test the stream of glue on scrap paper to figure out how much pressure you'll need to exert for the perfect photo mount without damaging your final product.

Lift the edge of the picture not secured with tape and apply one thin straight line of glue to the matting below, where the photo will attach. Gently press the picture down, pushing your fingers in a spreading motion toward the outside of the photo. This way, if you have accidentally used too much glue even after the test, that excess will not show. Repeat for the remaining three sides of the photo, gently removing the tape one section at a time.

Place the matted photo in a frame of your choice. It should fit right in the correctly sized frame and no glue will be necessary. Hang your framed memory on the wall or rest it on a table top for all to enjoy.

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